
About the Office of Technology Transfer

The University of Central Florida Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) brings discoveries to the marketplace through intellectual property protection, marketing and licensing processes and connects UCF researchers with companies and entrepreneurs to transform innovative ideas into successful products. Each invention is evaluated by a team of professionals with combined expertise in science, business and law. A customized intellectual property protection plan and commercialization strategy is designed for each selected discovery based on market research and in-depth business opportunity analysis. The OTT manages hundreds of promising technologies and is actively seeking industry partners to bring these innovations to market.

Who We Are

Image shows that UCF Technology Transfer's expertise combines the disciplines of science, business, and lawThe OTT at UCF began in 1989, and actively works to protect and bring UCF researchers’ ideas to market. Our expertise combines the disciplines of science, business, and law and we manage over 900 active intellectual property cases in patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Our team of professionals evaluates each Invention Disclosure submitted to the OTT. Based on the disclosed information and internal research, a customized intellectual property protection plan and commercialization strategy is designed for qualified technologies. Each technology is managed through the duration of its life cycle – from disclosure to deal – by the same licensing professional. Each licensing professional has a scientific area of expertise. For a list of our licensing professionals and contact information please visit our Contact Us page.

What We Do

As part of the Office of Research and Commercialization, the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) is responsible for managing the University of Central Florida’s (UCF) intellectual property assets, and supporting the commercialization of discoveries made at UCF. UCF faculty, students, and staff make new discoveries every day. Our team of professionals works with these inventors to protect and promote their discoveries so they may be used in publications, presentations, and in the marketplace. UCF inventors are able to submit invention disclosures to our office either online or in our office. Once we receive the invention disclosure, we can meet with the inventor to review the discovery, gain additional insight, and uncover potential applications. We can then evaluate the invention for feasibility, novelty, and market potential to determine how to best proceed in the IP process. We continue to work with the inventors to identify industry partners to launch the technology into the market. Once the technology has been licensed to an industry partner, the OTT’s licensing professionals continue to monitor the technology milestones and the distribution of royalties to the inventor(s), and to the respective college and department for additional research funding.

Why We Do It

We support the mission of UCF’s President to be “America’s Leading Partnership University®” and to “achieve international prominence in key programs of graduate study and research.” Our faculty are integral to the success of the university. We support our world-class faculty by promoting the progress of their research for the benefit of the university, the community, economic development, and to further advance discovery and innovation. The benefits of licensing university technology to industry partners include paid royalties to the inventor’s college, department and to the inventor; as well as strengthened industry relationships. Industry partnerships can provide opportunities for sponsored research and product development. The Office of Technology Transfer at UCF is uniquely situated in a hub of innovation at Research Park. Our office is surrounded by companies that are world-renowned innovators and leaders and whom are positioned to acquire disruptive technologies.

Annual Report

Illustration of the UCF Office of Technology Transfer Lifecycle for 2021

UCF is part of a wide and interconnected innovation ecosystem. In our FY Annual Report, we illustrate the Technology Transfer lifecycle: from intellectual property evaluation and protection to marketing and licensing, and ultimately product development and impact.

UCF is part of a wide and interconnected innovation ecosystem. In our FY Annual Report, we illustrate the Technology Transfer lifecycle: from intellectual property evaluation and protection to marketing and licensing, and ultimately product development and impact.


Office of Technology Transfer Annual Reports Archive

Fiscal Year 2021
Fiscal Year 2020
Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2018
Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal Year 2016
Fiscal Year 2015


Patent Activity



Invention Disclosures

U.S. Patent
Applications Filed

U.S. Patents Issued
2000 27 20 14
2001 32 27 15
2002 38 24 18
2003 40 36 22
2004 49 23 15
2005 142 98 27
2006 114 119 30
2007 106 139 26
2008 93 138 57
2009 83 159 41
2010 96 186 85
2011 109 153 76
2012 126 132 74
2013 124 197 71
2014 98 132 57
2015 98 118 62
2016 99 103 68
2017 100 114 57
2018 110 106 44
2019 126 149 45
2020 117 148 37
2021 111 127 64
2022 98 135 58
2023 98 146 56

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